Home:- Learning Support
TEST2r is an early screening test for reading and writing, it is an individually administered test suitable for 5 and 6 year-old children (Senior Infants and 1st Class). The first part constitutes a rapid screener test, made up of five subtests (tasks) for use by the classroom teacher. The second part consists of a range of diagnostic subtests given by the Learning Support Teacher to clarify any literacy subskill needs. The Learning Support Teacher should then decide on appropriate interventions to develop these skills.
TEST2r is presented in 3 parts -
A Teacher Manual, a Visual Stimulus Book and a Scorebooklet. A TEST2r set comes with 5 Scorebooklets.
Task results will be entered on www.test2r.ie to generate a report on the child.
A Guide to Local Supports and Services for Children with Special Educational Needs, - written as a support project for Children with Learning Difficulties and is based on the research done by Therese McPhillips, Anita Toolin and Deirdre Keyes. The primary aim of this resource is to provide information on the identification of learning difficulties, along with the assessment procedures, educational entitlements and other support services available to children. Though specific to Dublin the Guide is suitable for use nationwide. |
“We're all in this Together”, written by a group of parents, for parents and teachers. It looks at the area of children with special educational needs as they participate in the education process. This is an area close to the hearts of several members of the group whose children fell into this area and who have first-hand experience of the education system and how their children with special educational needs fit into it. |
The aim of good teaching at second level is to enable access to the curriculum for all learners. This represents challenges and opportunities for all schools. Diversity of students implies a diversity of teaching approaches. This book aims to extend teachers knowledge of practices which support inclusion. |
The Learning Support Teacher - A Practical Handbook by Thérese McPhillips- written
for the Learning Support Teachers, Resource Teachers, Class Teachers, Parents and anyone involved in helping the child with learning difficulties
to help the Learning Support Teacher to recognise the problems presented by children with Specific Learning Disabilities, to analyse the extent of the problem(s) and to organise remediations.
to provide specific information in the following areas: what is the role of the support teacher; what are screening tests and when to use them; how to develop an education plan (IEP)for a student with a learning difficulty; how to recognize and support the student with dyslexia.